Yes I've had off-line effects, one thing I've experienced repeatedly and mentioned here earlier is obsessive state of arousal. It's like a takeover of thought process, everything seems to translate into erotic energy. I wouldn't say any recording has created entirely new desires, it all exists under surface. Overall hypnosis has made me happier and calmer.
From shifting your gaze to the floor when you hear (or see) a particular word... to for some reason noticing the time every day at noon... we implant suggestions and are wonderfully pleased when we are informed of the results. IMO, every compliment and positive feedback a domme receives is taken in and used as motivation for us to continue to create. It becomes a cycle... one feeding on the other and vice versa.
Yes i have through these types of hypnosis started adoring many Women in a whole other way, and I can get turned on by them just by speaking, and i feel a rush inside that i hope can be seen by them. it has surprised me a few times, that i get into a trance just by speaking. i honestly feel something has been mended, fixed inside, and know if given the chance that my love can now be enormously much deeper than it once was. i credit both ageing and mostly hypnosis for that.