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Poison Ivy's Review

Male written txt to speech

Reviewed by Greg Sneakel (See all my reviews) June 11, 2019 - 1553 views
The next generation female voiced txt to speech doesnt fool anyone.
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  • Greg Sneakel
    Greg Sneakel @germshep24
    I never said I didnt like female bot voices so I can see where you are confused.
    To help you out, please re-read the first two parts of the welcome statement of Inraptured.
    June 12, 2019 - Report
  • germshep24
    germshep24 Ok having gone to Poison Ivy's member page I understand what your complaint was but my question is why didn't you put that complaint in your review instead of this review it would have been less confusing
    June 12, 2019 - Report
  • germshep24
    germshep24 Though I find Poison Ivy's voice more pleasing than Alex Samba, Alex Samba sounds very robotic, whereas Poison Ivy voice sounds more believable
    June 12, 2019 - Report
  • Greg Sneakel
    Greg Sneakel The reason Alex Sambra sounds more robotic than Poison Ivy is that they are the same txt to speech program, only Poison Ivy's is the next generation.
    June 12, 2019 - Report